How to Request Pregnancy and Parenting Modifications under
Title IX
The University of Southern California (USC) is committed to ensuring an inclusive and accessible environment for pregnant and parenting students. Title IX prohibits discrimination, including harassment, on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery. USC will provide reasonable pregnancy-related modifications to ensure a pregnant student has equal access to the University’s educational programs.
Pregnant students may request reasonable pregnancy-related modifications from the Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX) based on general pregnancy needs. The availability of such modifications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis by EEO-TIX’s Intake, Outreach, and Support team, in consultation with relevant University stakeholders. Modifications that would fundamentally alter the essential academic requirements of a course or program or lower academic standards, as well as those that constitute an undue administrative burden, will not be deemed to be reasonable.
Examples of common reasonable pregnancy-related modifications include:
- Breaks during class, as needed
- Rescheduling tests or exams
- Excused absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
- Extensions on exams or other assignments missed due to pregnancy or childbirth
- Providing alternatives to make up missed work
- Temporary access to elevators
- A larger desk
Examples of common reasonable modifications for parenting students to ensure non-discrimination include:
- Excused absences for parenting students (regardless of gender identity) to take their children to doctors’ appointments, to take care of their sick children, or other similar activities.
- Access to lactation spaces
Students may submit requests for pregnancy and/or parenting-related modifications by emailing the EEO-TIX Office at with the subject line: Pregnancy/Parenting Modification Request.
How/When to Request Disability Accommodations from the Office of Student Accessibility Services
The Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) provides reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. While most pregnancies do not constitute a disability, a pregnant student experiencing complications that impact major life activities may be eligible for disability-based accommodations, so long as the requested accommodations do not fundamentally alter the nature of the class or constitute an undue burden. Generally, accommodations available through OSAS overlap with those available from EEO-TIX. Pregnant students who wish to seek disability-based accommodations may learn more information at
Related Resources
Medical Care:
- Students who may need medical care as it relates to pregnancy or a pregnancy related complication should refer to their health insurance company to find local providers that are within their network.
- The USC Student Health also offers mental health and sexual health services.
- Counseling and Mental Health provides mental health support services:
- Sexual Health Services include contraception, pregnancy termination, and prenatal care:
- Travel Benefits Related to Reproductive Care Services, including abortion care services:
Health Leaves of Absence: Campus Support and Intervention is the office responsible for managing student health leaves of absence. More information about health leaves of absence can be found here.
Student Basic Needs offers Supplemental Funding that may be used for childcare expenses:
Graduate Student Government offers Caretaker Subsidy awards of grants up to $1,800 each semester:
USC Housing has dedicated spaces for families: