Report to USC’s Report & Response website, the University’s central reporting hub
The USC Report & Response website is an easy-to-use portal where USC community members (students, faculty, staff, patients, and visitors) can make a report – anonymously if preferred – of an incident they have witnessed or experienced that violates University policies or goes against our Unifying Values. The Report & Response website is one location for reporting all concerns, including those involving policy violations, unprofessionalism, and other misconduct. If you are unsure if your concern falls within the purview of EEO-TIX, the Report & Response team will help direct you and answer any questions you may have.
Report to USC’s Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX)
- Access Supportive Measures that are designed to address the safety and well-being of an individual so they can continue to have access to University programs and activities with or without filing a Formal Complaint. Supportive measures may include workplace modifications, housing accommodations, academic accommodations, campus escort services, connecting to counseling, Mutual Avoidance of Contact directives, or other reasonably available supportive measures.
- File a Formal Complaint to EEO-TIX, which may result in either an Alternative Resolution (by agreement of all parties and USC) or Formal Resolution that involves an investigation, evidence review, and a written report. Depending on the nature of the Formal Complaint filed, a formal resolution process will include a hearing, decision, sanctions (as applicable), and an appeal process.
Seek Confidential Resources
Available at any time from the following USC offices:
- Office of the Ombuds
- CARE-SC (Confidential Advocacy, Resources, and Education – Support Center)
- WorkWell Center
- Student Counseling and Mental Health Services
Access Emergency Services
- Call 911
- Seek Emergency Medical Assistance
- Obtain Forensic Sexual Assault Examination
Contact Authorities
- USC Department of Public Safety
- Los Angeles Police Department
Additional Information about the EEO-TIX Process
When a Formal Complaint is filed by the Reporting Party or USC’s Title IX Coordinator, it is processed under either (1) the Resolution Process for Sexual Misconduct (and Title IX) or (2) the Resolution Process for Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation.
The Resolution Process for Sexual Misconduct (and Title IX) proceeds as follows: Investigation (fact-finding); Evidence Review (with opportunity to review and respond); a written Investigation Report (that summarizes the relevant evidence with opportunity to respond); a Hearing (with an external trained professional and parties being appointed an advisor at no cost if they do not have one); a written Hearing Officer decision (with factual findings and policy determinations); opportunity to submit mitigation/impact statements; a sanctioning decision by a Sanctioning Officer/Panel (for any policy violations); and an opportunity to appeal the findings and/or sanctions to an Appellate Authority. See the Policy and Reporting Options tab for helpful infographics.
The Resolution Process for Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation proceeds as follows: Investigation (fact-finding); Evidence Review (with opportunity to review and respond); written Investigation Report (with opportunity to respond); a written decision by the Investigator in consultation with the Vice President of EEO-TIX; a sanctioning decision by a Sanctioning Officer/Panel (for any policy violations); and an opportunity to appeal the findings and/or sanctions to an Appellate Authority. See the Policy and Reporting Options tab for helpful infographics.
Important information to highlight:
- Supportive Measures are always available with or without filing a Formal Complaint
- Any person can make a report of protected class concerns and receive reasonably available and appropriate supportive measures free of charge
- EEO-TIX will always seek to honor whenever possible the Reporting Party’s wishes about whether to proceed with a Formal Complaint/Formal Resolution
- A Reporting Party and Respondent both have the right to an Advisor of Choice and, in Sexual Misconduct matters, will be appointed a Hearing Advisor free of charge for the hearing, if they do not have an advisor
- Any party who reports or participates in the EEO-TIX process is protected from retaliation, which is prohibited by the University’s Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation