Sample Syllabus Language

Please find below language that can be incorporated into syllabus/syllabi:

My priority as your professor is to ensure a safe, respectful education environment where all students can learn and thrive. The University does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment (including sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, stalking)  based on protected characteristics (e.g., race, disability, ethnicity, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy, etc.) or related retaliation (i.e., Prohibited Conduct). All faculty and Teaching Assistants are considered Designated Employees by the University, which means that if they observe or learn of Prohibited Conduct, they are obligated to immediately share that information with the University’s Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO-TIX). This obligation, grounded in law and policy, is designed to protect the safety of students and the broader USC community, as well as ensure that students receive information about available supportive measures and resolution options to enable them to make informed choices. Supportive measures include reasonable academic accommodations available with or without the filing of a Formal Complaint.

If you need academic accommodations due to protected class discrimination, harassment, or related retaliation, you may:

  • Contact EEO-TIX directly ( or 213-740-5086), without sharing any personal information with me.
  • If you would like to speak with a confidential counselor about sexual misconduct, Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention Services (RSVP) provides 24/7 confidential support for students (213-740-WELL (9355), or 213-740-4900 and press 0 after hours). 
  • If you are a student with a disability and require reasonable accommodations to meaningfully participate in this course, please contact the University’s Office of Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) at your earliest convenience ( or 213-740-0776), as DSP is responsible for processing and approving such requests.
  • If you are pregnant, have recently experienced childbirth, and/or have medical needs related to childbirth, please contact OSAS or EEO-TIX for assistance.
  • Finally, if you need reasonable accommodations for a religious observance, please submit a request to me by email as far in advance as possible.

Accommodations do not relieve you of the responsibility for completion of any part of the coursework you miss as the result of a religious observance. If you have questions or concerns about your request, you may contact EEO-TIX.