Prevention Education Modules

Students, including undergraduate and graduate students, are required to complete training on an annual basis that may include one or more of the following:

Sexual Assault Prevention Training

Trojans Respect Consent Workshops

Healthy Relationships Workshops

  • Live training sessions for second year undergraduate students led by CARE-SC that provide more in-depth information about the topics covered in Trojans Respect Consent and focuses on learning the fundamentals of healthy relationships, such as boundaries and communication, and acquiring tools to recognize and navigate unhealthy or abusive relationships.

Trojans Act Now!

  • Live training sessions for third year undergraduate students led by CARE-SC. This bystander intervention program provides an overview of upstander behaviors, including awareness of potentially harmful situations, when and how to intervene safely, and how to involve resources for help.

Sexual Assault Prevention Ongoing: Taking Action

  • Required online training module for continuing undergraduate students, fourth year or above, and all continuing graduate students, that expands on information in the Sexual Assault Prevention Training module for incoming students.