USC is continuing its commitment to the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine’s (NASEM) Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education for a period of four years. USC extended its role in the collaboration for another four year period with a public commitment statement co-signed by Provost Andrew T. Guzman, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Equity and Compliance Felicia A. Washington, and Senior Vice President for Health Affairs Steven D. Shapiro.
The NASEM Action Collaborative brings together leaders from colleges, universities, and other research and training programs to work toward addressing and preventing sexual harassment across all disciplines and among all people in higher education. It was established in 2018 to create an active space where academic institutions can move beyond basic legal compliance to evidence-based policies and practices at the individual and system levels for addressing and preventing all forms of sexual harassment and promoting a culture of respect.
The University’s public commitment statement is also published on NASEM’s website here. NASEM also released a series of reports related to sexual harassment prevention and response efforts in conjunction with its 2023 Public Summit being held Oct. 17-18, 2023.