Trojan Athletics is hosting a six-month campaign featuring the stories of women who have contributed to the Women of Troy legacy as part of the 50th Anniversary of Title IX, the landmark federal civil rights law–37 important words–that prohibit discrimination based on sex in education programs and activities, including athletics.
The campaign includes featuring stories of prominent women who have played significant roles at USC on the ninth day of each month leading up to the June 23 Title IX anniversary. The celebration kicked off in January 2022 with a profile on Barbara Hedges, the first woman hired as a senior administrator in the Trojan Athletic Department who went on to serve as USC Senior Associate Director of Athletics. Each month will highlight a different decade, culminating in a celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Title IX on June 23, that will feature a glimpse into the future of the Women of Troy.
Other stories will be featured on the @USC_Athletics handle on social media, and you can read more about the celebrations here.